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Eyebright Country Store

This is where my marketing journey began. It's with thanks to Peter Owen, for believing in me and taking a chance, that I found this new career path.

The job began in September 2013, just before the team at Eyebright opened Nelson’s famous Christmas Store for the season. On a shopping trip with my mother-in-law, I saw a notice in the window advertising a retail assistant role. Despite having no CV, and probably looking a bit like I had been run over, I enquired about the role anyway. Luckily, Peter was behind the counter and decided on the spot that he would give me a shot, without needing a reference.

Being an incredibly kind man, I like to think he saw I was due my lucky break.

2013 was an absolute shit of a year. When I walked into Eyebright Country Store that day, I was still having chemotherapy for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Hiring me could’ve come with many inconveniences, but he did it without hesitation.

While at Eyebright Country Store, I learned the SME and retail ropes. I realised the respect that comes from working with a local, iconic, heritage brand. As Peter is a fantastic storyteller, it was here I began to understand the power of a compelling narrative. Not only that but the power of retaining customers through providing an amazing customer experience.

A Local Media Debut
Click here to read more about Eyebright’s famous sunflowers

Helping Peter develop a design and template for his Mailchimp EDM newsletter, was the real beginning of my relationship with digital marketing. Realising I have a natural intuition for digital programs, Peter then asked me to help build an e-commerce site for Eyebright Country Store.

Using Shopify, we set up a beautiful site. Unfortunately, it wasn’t sustainable, as we learnt yet another lesson; online sales don’t generate themselves. The site was closed after I resigned as it wasn’t a viable option and Peter built a new site using Wix.

I had the pleasure of helping with the first few ‘Garden Art Expo’ events, as well. These were a great success, with various activities during the exhibition. The main feature was garden art displays from local artists, which were then auctioned off at the end of the exhibition. I helped with the auction process and digital marketing.


Of course, at the time I hadn’t realised I was learning all of this. The seed wasn’t even sown at this stage.
The Guinea Pig Wedding

In an event with around 170 people in attendance, the guinea pigs Hansel and Gretel were wed with more ponce and flare than any wedding I had attended before. It was mad, it was hilarious, and it was so wholesome.

I enjoyed helping Peter where I could with the event marketing and organisation. However, the real golden nugget was the first piece of video content I ever made.


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